HomeEntertainmentThis Sharpener Turns Your Pencil Shavings Into A Cute Frilled Lizard

This Sharpener Turns Your Pencil Shavings Into A Cute Frilled Lizard

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A Japanese designer who’s known for coming up with creative ideas has just revealed their latest creation and it’s probably their best one to date

Michiru, also known as @mitiruxxx, cleverly designed a cute sharpener that turns pencil shavings into a frilled-neck lizard.

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Every time you insert the pencil into the lizard’s mouth and sharpen it, the lizard’s ‘neck’ flares up!

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Photos of the adorable design have been retweeted over 80,900 times with 380,000 likes, leaving many people asking where they can buy it.

Image via @mitiru66 (Instagram)

Image via @mitiru66 (Instagram)

Unfortunately, the sharpener is just a conceptual design and not available for purchase, according to Japanese media outlet Grape Japan.

However, Michiru has made and sold other cute designs too, such as this Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake) sharpener, which turns pencil shavings into bonito flakes

This particular sharpener design was apparently sold on an online Japanese store called Rakuten.

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiru66 (Instagram)

Some of the designer’s previous ideas include an ‘iceberg’ tissue box, paint roller correction tape, and other cute stationery

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Image via @mitiruxxx (Twitter)

Another designer came up with this genius eraser that reveals a bald man the more you use it:

Fan of cute stationery? Here are some local shops to check out: